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April 24, 2024

WLP Student Committee – Recruiting New Members 24/25

West London Partnership Student Committee.

Recruiting New Members for 24/25

The WLP Student Committee has had a productive year; deciding on a tagline for the WLP – Aspire, Collaborate, Engage – holding a Christmas quiz and ending the year with a Y9 rounders tournament. As we come to the end of this academic year we are saying goodbye to our current student committee and recruiting for new members.

The Student Committee consists of 4 student representatives from each of the 9 WLP schools, two Y10 students and two Y13 students. It is the responsibility of the committee to meet twice a term, plan and execute 2 WLP student events per year and provide input into the direction and actions of the West London Partnership.

We are asking all WLP Schools to nominate 4 students to sit on the committee; two students currently in Y9 and two students currently in Y12. Once you have selected your committee members please send the below letter and online consent form to the student and their parent/guardian to complete.

Letter to parents.

Parental Consent Form

The deadline for consent forms to be returned is Friday 27th September.