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September 28, 2023

Start it: the West London Schools’ Entrepreneurship Programme

As we enter what some are calling the fourth industrial revolution, teaching and developing generic soft skills – including the specific skills of enterprise – will be of central importance to young people’s future success.

In 2018, Start it, the West London Schools’ Entrepreneurship Programme, was founded to provide teaching, mentoring and meaningful opportunities for young people to become the next generation of entrepreneurs. Supported by our alumni and parent networks as well as our partner schools, we look to share our wisdom and experience with the young people involved, as they acquire the confidence and skills to start their own businesses. Crucially, the programme is open to, and promoted amongst, all of the young people in the local area. A key focus of the partnership is to foster collaboration between different groups of young people and to promote social enterprise.

For further information about events and the Start it programme, please contact Head of Enterprise at St Paul’s School, Nick Troen [email protected]


I found the experience of actually building the business and brainstorming ideas with new people extremely valuable and rewarding

Start it Entrepreneurship Events

Students present during the Start it Y11 Summer Entrepreneurship Course
Winners of the Start it Y11 Summer Entrepreneurship Course
Participants of the Start it Y11 Summer Entrepreneurship Course
Francesca Lanza of the Alexandra Partnership delivers a talk at Start it
Jeremy Lovelace introduces the HFX business simulation game
Louise Troen delivers marketing expertise to student groups
The HFX Business Strategy Game
Reddington and RedStart founder Rob Gardner delivers a workshop at Start it's post-GCSE summer enterprise course
Students collaborate on a business task