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September 27, 2024

Humanities Conference at St Paul’s School – Friday 11 October

St Paul’s School is delighted to once again invite your students to our annual Humanities Partnership Conference. It will be held here at St Paul’s School (Lonsdale Road, SW13 9JT) on Friday 11th October. It will be a full day starting at 9.00am and finishing at 4.15pm.

This enrichment conference is designed for Year 12 and 13 students at your schools that did not attend last year’s conference either thinking of applying to read Humanities at university or simply interested in broadening their horizons. The academic subjects covered include:

  • Ancient History
  • Economics
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

On the day students will attend several seminars run by teachers from our school, participate in a group prize activity, listen to a talk by Professor Julia Black, the President of the British Academy (the UK’s National Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences) and hear an interview with Professor A.C Grayling, the Master of the New College of the Humanities. Food will be provided by St Paul’s, but students should bring their own refillable water bottle. All students will get a certificate of participation at the end.

Each partnership school is entitled to up to 15 student places (if not all places are filled we will be in touch and may be able to widen participation). Please can you decide which students will be attending and then get their parents to complete the following form no later than Thursday 3rd October:


Once we have their details, we will be in contact with them with more information, as well as providing details of any pre-reading we would like them to do before they participate in the seminars. To make it easier on your staff we do not need any teachers from your schools to accompany the pupils – we hope this reduces the logistical impact, but if you are keen to attend please let me know.

Download the poster here.